Programs » Enrichment Studies

Enrichment Studies

Science Lab
The Chatsworth Park science lab is available to students K-5 during the school day. The children visit the science lab once a week with their teacher and our science lab teacher's assistant.  The lab is one of our students' favorite places because they get the chance to perform hands-on, inquiry-based science experiments.  Our teachers develop lessons based on state science standards, as well as the upcoming NGSS (Next Generation Science Standards).  
Science Lab

Our Chatsworth Park library is available to students K-5 during the school day. The children visit the library once a week with their teacher and our librarian.  Not only does our wonderful librarian read aloud to our students, they get the opportunity to check out two books each week!  Our library's stocked shelves also support our Accelerated Reader program in grades 1-5.


Please be sure to return the Library Book Check-Out form that was in your packet given the first week of school.



Accelerated Reader

Chatsworth Park UPM proudly incorporates Accelerated Reader as a supplement to our reading program.  Accelerated Reader is a computer-based program that our school uses to monitor reading practice and progress.  It helps Chatsworth Park teachers guide our students to books that are on children's individual reading levels and motivate our students to read, read, and read more!  We recognize our students' Accelerated Reader accomplishments through three celebrations throughout the year (dance parties, outdoor games, and more).

Once Upon A Dance is a in school dance program that promotes social-emotional development to our 3rd, 4th and 5th grader students.
Once Upon A Dance
Cooking with Gabby
Cooking with Gabby takes our 2nd and 3rd graders on a journey that teaches them about international recipes for a cooking adventure. They will learn to cook delicious meals uncover the history behind each dish for a fun and amazing experience.
This enrichment will begin on Monday, May 6 and continue until Monday, June 3 where parents/guardians will be invited to attend the last cooking classes and showcases what our palominos have learned though this epic session.
More information to come.
More information to come.